Monday, December 12, 2011

Best Buy on App center Download Cards in SA.

Download Center Cards 

Being able to download apps and games was one of the big selling points for me when deciding to buy  LeapPads for my kids. 

Since the download cards are cheaper than the cartridge games and you can put downloaded apps on 2 LeapPads at once,  for me it made a whole lot of sense, as I have 2 kids and 2 LeapPads and really don't want to deal with fighting over who gets to play what game. 

As I mentioned in My review of the LeapPad, I was disappointed finding out that,  living in South Africa, my choice of downloadable apps and games was limited and that if I wanted to access the full range of downloads I would have to source imported download cards. 

Well thanks to Take a lot .com a not so little South African online store I can get the imported cards at a very reasonably price. 

US imports 

$20 Card is going for R277 

Leaplet-download-cards-set-of-2 Price is yet to be confirmed 

They also sell UK imported Cards but as the $ - R exchange rate is better and the US app store Has the largest selection of apps available I'm just giving you the US info. 

Take a lot also sell the Local cards at the best price I've found so far. 
leaplet-download-cards set of 2 are going for R128 

20 LF Dollar card's are going for R172

And if you ask them nicely they will email the code to you so you don't have to wait or pay for shipping.

Also see Download cards mystery solved for more info on how much these cards are actually worth. 

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Thanks for sharing .